It may be tempting to skip enrolling your little one in a preschool program close to home, but there are many benefits to enrolling them. Here’s why you should put your child in preschool:
Social-emotional development skills – The focus of a preschool program is to begin teaching them how to regulate their emotions as they interact with others. There are many opportunities to teach this throughout the day at school, but one of the biggest times is during free play. Teaching children to share toys and talk through feelings of frustration during playtime will help them learn to express to others how they feel in different situations.
Assists in teaching literacy skills – Every day your child will be read to while they are at preschool. They will also have circle time which will include reading the current month and day of the week. Your child will also have access to books during free play.
Boosts creativity – Every preschool program incorporates arts and crafts into its weekly curriculum, so your child will have opportunities to paint, draw, and use scissors. Sometimes during free play, there will also be opportunities to do art like painting or coloring.
Helps develop fine & gross motor skills – Every preschool program incorporates outdoor time in their daily schedule if the weather is okay, which will give your child the opportunity to run, jump, skip, and ride a tricycle. All those outdoor activities will help your child develop strong gross motor skills. Some opportunities to develop fine motor skills include feeding themselves with a spoon or fork during mealtimes, drawing with crayons or markers, painting with a paintbrush, writing letters with a pencil, and brushing their teeth after lunch.
Those are only a few of the important skills your child will learn from being enrolled in a preschool program, there are many more as well. Contact Wee-Folk Child Care Center today to set your child up for academic success by enrolling them in our preschool program.